pickup box is a highly useful piece of aftermarket equipment. Probably our top selling item, in fact. Customers ask us a lot which is the best pickup box or truck box that we sell. My answer is: all of them. I say this because I specifically only choose those vendors that create quality, top-of-the-line items. Our two top sellers:
Tradesman and Weather Guard are pretty much identical in construction. They were made by master craftsmen and will last you forever, practically. I don’t think when it comes to items we stock in our showroom that I could choose which is the best product line, I think I would just ask someone first what they want to use a truck box for and go from there.
You see, there are all types of truck boxes out there. Boxes that will haul hu
Image via Wikipedianting dogs, boxes that will haul tools, boxes that can safely haul liquids—I mean, really, if you can think of something that could be hauled in a box, trust us, Tradesman and Weather Guard thought of it first. Do you want to haul power tools in your pickup box? Weather Guard has tool boxes that can be fitted onto your truck. Do you not like to share the driving experience with your hunting dog, Flash, and would prefer he have a comfortable bed in the back of the pickup? Tradesman has a nice dog box that would do him nicely. Are you afraid of keeping unlocked guns in the back of your truck? Tradesman and Weather Guard both have L-Shaped boxes that can store hunting and fishing equipment.
Really, these products are expansive and customizable. We love the added utility these truck boxes add to our trucks, vans, and SUVs. You can put on a single gullwing, or add to the configuration with side boxes, underbed boxes, and L-shapes. They can be hard resin or metal, steel colored or powered white and black. They can fit under
Tonneau covers or be stand alone.
So when asking which truck box is the best, it is really a question we should ask of you? What
pickup box suits you best?